Color pencils, acrylic, golden leaf and collage on paper

30 x 24 cm / 11,8 x 9,4 in

SHIVA - SHAKTI, Conscience - Energy, giving birth to the Universe … on your wall.

In my experience they represent the ascendant force that tend toward, and verticalize us, and the descending, or gravity, force that grounds us, that is receptive and open.

Being acutely aware of these two forces, and eventually strengthen them, with their qualities and characteristics is key in the Tai Chi and Qi Gong practice … and I dare to say in life in general.

« the tapasyas of Bhairavi makes the ascent of the being possible. The responding Grace of Sundari accomplish the descent of the Deity … the cycle of ascent and descent goes on between the two poles of consciousness, between matter and spirit, between Bhairavi at the Muladhara and Sundari in the Sahasrara. »

« The ten great cosmic powers » S.Shankaranarayanan